Saturday, November 15, 2008

Linux Mint Review

At, a new review of the Linux Mint distribution is discussed. We hope this is helpful!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

DistroStop Wallpapers

Again, one of our more artistic members has bestowed us with desktop wallpapers for our the forum Found at, several desktops are posted and available.

Feel free to direct yourself to that thread and download your free DistroStop desktop wallpapers.


Recently, one of our members felt the necessity of generating "userbars" for forum signatures. These userbars are images designed to fit in the signature component of most online forums today.

Found at, these images are designed to display your loyalty to our forum or to your favorite Linux distribution (available userbars include Archlinux, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Kubuntu, Mandriva, PCLinuxOS, Ubuntu, and Berry Linux).

Feel free to direct yourself to the and download your professional-quality userbar for free.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Berry Linux Forum

Currently, the Berry Linux project is without a forum. Consequently, the administration of DistroStop has agreed to lend a hand. So, to Berry users, come and feel free to ask your questions. To non-Berry users, give it a shot and help us lend some expertise.



Monday, August 18, 2008

MySQL Database Creation Thread

Recently, one of the DistroStop administrators (Mysti) posted an excellent thread/tutorial on creating a MySQL database. This is a post which will no doubt prove quite helpful to many.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Student Programs Section, Octave

Here at distrostop, we are making a very conscious effort to focus on software which is made primarily available for students. These softwares for the sciences are especially of interest to us. Many of us have been or are students and strongly remember those budgetary constraints. Some of us are also educators and see the need for good software which does what we need for it to do.

One program, Octave, is of special interest to some of us (including yours truly). Octave can be used for high-end scientific computation and is meant to take the place of MATLAB. There are many out there who would probably switch, but just aren't quite comfortable enough yet to do so. This is where we come in. Our members will periodically initiate threads detailing differing aspects of Octave. How
ever, if you have a question which has yet to be answered you should

  1. Sign up to be a member at DSO (that's how we refer to distrop).

  2. Navigate to the "Student Programs" sub-forum and

  3. Click on "New Topic" to generate a new thread which contains your question. Please search to make sure this question hasn't already been asked.

If you have any questions come visit us at distrostop! We're always glad to help.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Distrostop Forum


Distrostop is a forum dedicated to help linux users with all linux distributions.  We have experts that are ready and willing to help with your linux needs.  Our forum covers student software such and gnuplot, k3dsurf, octave and kplot.  We have a kernel section for patching and compiling kernels with how-tos.  We have a large assortment of FAQs and How-Tos on various distros.   Our forum also has installation instructions for various distributions including Gentoo's stage 1, 2 and 3 install.  We help with bash, php, web coding and MySql.  If you're new to linux we can give you advice on how to get started.  Distrostop is a community based forum and our members are friendly and helpful.  Please stop by and check out out. I'm sure you will find a new home.